This is what we call the Big Guns of hormone peptides.
GHRH is produced from other cell types in the body as well as the hypothalamus.

Hormone peptides is a natural way to restore your hormone levels and reverse it back to its peak.

Growth hormone replacement hormone peptides


Our natural hormone production happens in 8 pulses per day. The greatest pulse happens around 2 hours after you have fallen to sleep.
With age, these pulses become weaker. This downregulation of the hormone production starts to affect other systems in your body.

We have known for a long time now that hormone treatments help on many levels regarding an overall upregulation of our system which includes a major effect on your wellbeing.
The dilemma with traditional hormone treatments is that they make our system bleed. What this means is that the natural pulses are bypassed and over time there is a risk that the pulsing gets weaker and stops.

Hormone peptides are the healthiest way to approach this, even if it starts with a more traditional treatment to stabilize the hormone levels.